Thursday, January 8, 2009

ASTD Challenges, Plans and Predictions for 2009

Directly from the ASTD website, an opportunity for all to think ahead and create a personal plan (or industry challenge).

The Challenge is Simple: What are your Challenges, Plans and Predictions for 2009?

First, I thought a bit of history would set the tone for my thoughts. In November, I began a personal quest to re-market and re-define myself. More importantly, my quest was to start listening to myself and acting on my ideas. After 15+ years of devoting all I did to my employers, it was time for me to start thinking of my held positions as a piece to the complex puzzle that makes up who I am and the work I do. So, to begin with I quickly re-shaped my thinking about work / life balance and started to think more about how my professional life is PART of my LIFE. I had to start instantly giving myself permission to spend my free time on what I would have originally said was "work." Why? Because I am energized by the work I do, I find it incredibly rewarding and that the more I blend my thoughts on learning, education, music and technology, the more whole I become.

  • Getting my thoughts in writing. Blogging has helped tremendously. I've built momentum, my challenge will be to continue.
  • Becoming an X-Gen'er who truly understand the connected world we live in and how learning is changing, socially and technologically.
  • Do more of what works and less of what doesn't, my time is valuable.
  • Complete my business plan and swing open the doors.
  • Commit to an employer where the culture is one of teamwork, where students come first.
  • Continue the growth of my Saxophone Quartet (2 recitals in 2009 and our first album)
  • Social Networking will demonstrate to corporations the importance of diverse, idea generating employees.
  • Schools (k-12) will find the need to update their existing technology use policies to be applicable to all of the latest technologies (IM, Web 2.0, Texting, Cell Cams, etc.)
  • Learning complex arts and skills will become more prevalent through online tools.
  • LMS's will adapt to the needs of an individual learner or they will begin their decline.
The list seems incomplete and probably always will to me. But, it is a snapshot for me in the here and now.

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